Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Every year, April is recognized as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). The goal of SAAM is to raise awareness around the resources, prevention, education around sexual assault. Each year a specific theme is chosen by national and local service providers to engage all communities in the fight to end sexual violence.

2019 SAAM Events


Her Campus Utah Supports the Rape Recovery Center | April 16, 2019 | 1pm - 8pm
Mention Her Campus Utah, and IHOP will donate 20% of the cost of your meal to the Rape Recovery Center.

Songs for Survivors | April 26, 2019 | 7pm - 11pm
Genre Zero is proud to host the fourth annual Songs for Survivors concert to benefit the Rape Recovery Center at Sugar Space Arts Warehouse.

Quick Info and FAQ

What does the theme I ask mean?

At its core SAAM is about preventing violence. I Ask is  a campaign that champions the power of asking- whether it be asking to hold someone’s hand, or permission to share personal information with others, or what we need from each other to change our communities.

I Ask is the statement by which individuals will demonstrate that asking for consent is a healthy, normal, and necessary part of everyday interactions.

I Ask is the statement by which we will uplift the importance of consent and empower each other to create safer communities.

What can we do to uplift consent?

Uplifting consent is about changing social norms that allow it to exist in the first place. We can all take steps to creating communities where everyone is empowered to recognize their own boundaries. Some ways you can do this are by:

  • Consent is just another way to talk about  permission or boundaries, you can incorporate this topic within any space you are a part!

  • You can focus on helping people in your life identify the ways they have felt empowered to speak about their boundaries.

  • Invite us to come in and present on the topic. We know this isn’t always easy and we want to make it as easy as possible. We are happy to come in and talk to your students about what healthy communities can look like and how we can all create a consent-based culture!

How can I participate?

2019 SAAM events have been scheduled! Please check out the events above for a complete list of events, and click on any event for details!

View our SAAM 2019 Blogs!